Does it mean that Guille is in love with you and wants to be with you for the rest of his life if he:
a. Smiles wide when you walk in the door, showing cute little spaces between his top front teeth.
b. Takes you out for a training session in isometrics fitness.
c. Spontaneously fits his hand on the back of your neck while you are doing the dishes and then lets go after a moment like nothing happened.
d. Looks at you while you're sitting on the floor putting on your contacts and says, "You’re really pretty."
e. Says, "we're long-term dating," which could mean nothing.
f. Burps in front of you, not like he's trying to prove a point, more like he forgets you're there.
g. Mentions that you can live in his huge, unused closet, and you both laugh it off as a joke but you're wondering if he was serious.
h. Puts his hands on your waist and smashes his lips on your lips, then suddenly walks away.
g. Has been on Tinder lately.
h. Spaces out while you're talking.
I. Shares the bed with you, but there's never been any sex. The most that's happened is that he takes off your shirt, kisses your chest, and says, "I think I really like you," before you both fall asleep.
j. Doesn't get up from his desk or walk you down to say goodbye.
k. Says, "Well you live in another city" when you ask if he'll visit you, before telling you that he's going to take his new puppy to New Zealand, and when you call him out on the fact that he'd rather travel across the world with a puppy than visit you in the same state, he says "hahahaha" and leaves it at that.
Or maybe l.m.n.o.p.q.r.s.t.u.v.w.x.y. are irrelevant, because